What The Assassination Of Muammar Gaddafi Means For Black Africa And Black America

Steve Biko Thomas
“How Europe Underdeveloped Africa” ebook added by Libya 360°

With the body of the assassinated former Libyan leader being repeatedly broadcast throughout the world in what can be likened to a grotesque and sadistic public service announcement, we must now consider just where we stand, politically, in this time of proclaimed “humanitarian” invasions and U.S./NATO-backed targeted assassinations. To begin with, we must make the distinction between the ramifications for Black Africa and the rest of the many ethnicities and nationalities that can be found on the African continent, for, all parties involved whom supported the destruction of the Libyan state have left us with no other choice than to do so.

By now, most of us are familiar with the varied opinions concerning the personality of the man, Gaddafi. There are just as many perspectives concerning what people believe to be the actual motivations of those whom are allied to obliterate the government he previously led. What can not be disputed is that the Libyan government under Muammar Gaddafi’s leadership was the chief African donor in monetary aid and assistance, to sub-Saharan African nations. In fact, many of us observed in something close to utter disbelief (but not quite) that it was this fact that served as one of the primary complaints and grievances of those whom opposed Gaddafi in Libya; largely confined to the traditionally Islamic-fundamentalist and monarchist eastern portion of the country.

Meanwhile, Black people in America find themselves in the disillusioning position of an upcoming presidential election wherein all potential Republican nominees advocate policies that would roll back previous civil rights advances and further damage the poor and middle class. Simultaneously, African-Americans must ponder to what extent they should continue to support an incumbent in Pres.Obama, whom just authorized the literal recolonization and corporate exploitation of Africa’s once most economically progressive nation, in Libya.

In his epic book, “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa“, renowned Pan-Africanist, Walter Rodney, explained: “Colonialism was not merely a system of exploitation, but one whose essential purpose was to repatriate the profits to the so-called mother country. From an African viewpoint, that amounted to consistent expatriation of surplus produced by African labour out of African resources. It meant the development of Europe as part of the same dialectical process in which Africa was underdeveloped.” Now is the time that people of African descent around the globe unite in every way possible to combat what is clearly an objective to keep us perpetually bound as nothing more than subjects, even objects, to be exploited…then discarded.