NATO, Libya and Turkey: Drones and Other Sinister Military Deals

Libya and Turkey in military deal Tripoli, 20 May 2013 Libya and Turkey have signed an agreement under which the Turkish army is to provide technical assistance to the Libyan military to help secure the land, sea and air borders as well as the oil installations in the eastern part of the country. The Benghazi-based…

Chris Stevens’ Murder A Smokescreen For Joint NATO-CIA Exercises In Benghazi?

Alexandra Valiente Libya 360° There are a plethora of questions surrounding the alleged attack on US diplomatic staff in Benghazi and the context in which the events supposedly took place. As more information emerges it is clear that the narratives being circulated by both mainstream and alternative media are rife with irreconcilable contradictions which expose…

Islamists Destroy Sufi Shrine. GNC Implicated in Desecrations.

Top Libyan officials implicated in mosque desecrations McClatchy Members of the Libyan government and its military have been implicated in the destruction by Islamists over the weekend of several mosques affiliated with the Sufi branch of Islam, an indication that the government that replaced Moammar Gadhafi after a months-long NATO bombing campaign is having difficulty…

The Resistance Are Not Behind The Recent Wave Of Terrorist Bombings

Editor’s Comment: The following report describes how 32 people were arrested after government spooks monitoring a conversation between “Gaddafi loyalists” in a chat room identified them. They were allegedly discussing the recent twin blasts in Tripoli. This conversation purportedly occurred on Paltalk. Many similar discussions have taken place on this service over the past few…

Canada In Libya: Al Qaeda’s Airforce

Some Canadian military officers in private…referred to the NATO jets bombing Gadhafi’s troops as “al-Qaeda’s air force.” Stephen Gowans Canadian fighter pilots “flew 946 sorties and dropped almost 700 bombs” in last year’s NATO intervention in Libya. [1] But rather than enforcing a no-fly zone to protect civilians, the Canadian pilots—and their counterparts from other…

US DHS Targets Nigerian Boko Haram

US Homeland Security Suggests Military Action in Nigeria Nile Bowie For the fifth consecutive day, the Nigerian people have staged national strikes throughout their country in protest of the recent removal of fuel subsidies, which more than doubled the prices of transportation and commodities. In the northern city of Kano, protestors have demanded the immediate…